
All code submitted to the repository must follow MVVM ( Model-View-ViewModel ) design pattern.
The code you submit must be readable and maintainable. Make sure you use abstraction to reduce code duplication. You should always test your code before opening a Pull Request, both manually and using unit tests.
Format your code (.kt / .xml) before committing it.

Please, follow this basic project structure:

  • converters: data converters and adapters for the UI
  • data: storage-related classes
  • model: classes that represent any kind of data
  • util: static classes or objects
  • view: fragments code
    • adapters: Recycler View or AutoCompleteTextView adapters
    • viewmodels: fragment ViewModels

Kotlin Style Guide

To keep the codebase maintainable and easy to read, you are encouraged to follow this Google style guide . Please, make sure the code you want to submit follows those rules before opening a Pull Request. This will make the review process easier for us.

Required Tools

Here is a list of tools you may need to contribute to SaveApp: