
All code submitted to the repository must follow MVVM ( Model-View-ViewModel ) design pattern.
The code you submit must be readable and maintainable. Make sure you use abstraction to reduce code duplication. You should always test your code before opening a Pull Request, both manually and using unit tests.
Format your code (.kt / .xml) before committing it.

Please, follow this basic project structure:

  • converters: data converters and adapters for the UI
  • data: storage-related classes
  • model: classes that represent any kind of data
  • util: static classes or objects
  • view: fragments code
    • adapters: Recycler View or AutoCompleteTextView adapters
    • viewmodels: fragment ViewModels
  • workers: code for workers
    • cloud: workers used to provide backup functions

Kotlin Style Guide

To keep the codebase maintainable and easy to read, you are encouraged to follow this Google style guide. Please, make sure the code you want to submit follows those rules before opening a Pull Request. This will make the review process easier for us.

Required Tools

Here is a list of tools you may need to contribute to SaveApp: